Friday, January 06, 2006

George W. Bush is a bleeping Idiot

Here's the headline:

Bush: Arabic TV gives false impression of US

How about I venture that Bush gives a false impression of US?!

Here is a bit of what he said in his speech:

"You can't figure out America when you're looking on some of these TV stations -- you just can't -- particularly given the message that they spread," he said. [Why? Because they might have a different opinion than you, your holiness?]

"Arabic TV does not do our country justice." [I say, "George W. Bush does not do our country justice". By that, I mean stiff-arming the Abramoff investigation over 2 years ago, recess appointing persons to positions of power knowingly against the suggestions of the Senate, identifies this country as a torturer, lies about his illegal use of our spy agencies on US citizens, defining law as he wishes, calling the US Constitution a "goddamned piece of paper" and essentially eliminating most of our basic civil liberties, abandoning countless treaties and international agreements, making us look like a bunch of dumb rednecks...If you have another four or five days I could finish the list...]

"They ... sometimes put out propaganda that just isn't right, it isn't fair, and it doesn't give people the impression of what we're about." [Need I say anything to this pearl of Rovian spin? Turn it around on them and hammer, hammer, hammer. Eventually, they will be so confused or so damn mad they will forget what you really said in the first place... I'll tell you what isn't fair Mr. Bush. It isn't fair that you, that's right, you, have killed over 100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians in your wild-goose-chase-of-a-crusade-against-terrorism that has turned out NOTHING! Kindly respond to John Conyers, you louse!]

God willing, the Abramoff investigation will pin this sorry excuse for a man with some legal infraction that will stick.

I really can't believe he said that Arabic TV gives a false impression of the US...Hey, Fitz! When are you going to take Rove away from the dummy?


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