Sunday, August 20, 2006

2005 Gifts from Foreign Governments to Federal Employees

Department of State Office of Protocol; Gifts to Federal Employees From Foreign Government Sources Reported to Employing Agencies in Calendar Year 2005; Notice

Interestingly, Condi Rice seems to be the only high profile member of the federal government who hasn't turned over any of the lavish gifts she has received to the GSA or the Foreign Archives as is typically done to prevent the appearance impropriety. All items listed under her name are currently "Pending transfer to General Services Administration."

The most ironic item of hers:

Ivory, jeweled, gold and silver
dagger. Received—June 21,
2005. Est. Value—$1,000.00.


Men’s wristwatch and jewelry set
of emerald and diamond necklace,
earrings, ring and bracelet.
Received—July 11, 2005.
Est. Value—$90,000.00.


His Royal Highness, Abdallah bin
Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, Crown
Prince, First Deputy Prime Minister
and Commander of the
National Guard of the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia.

Total value of items Ms. Rice has not turned over to the GSA (for 2005 only): $145,905.00

Also, of interest, is the fact that gifts received on behalf of Michael Hayden, Deputy Director of National Intelligence (as of 2005), and John Negroponte, Director of National Intelligence do not mention who, or from what country their donations/gifts originated citing...wait for it...wait for guessed it: The National Security Act of 1947, 50 U.S.C. 403–(1)(i) as amended

(basically stating that they cannot divulge this information because the publication of such information could adversely affect United States intelligence sources!)


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