Thursday, February 16, 2006

To all those I've loved before...

The Bureaucracy Strikes Back By Nick Turse

State Department bureaus concerned with arms control and international security -- and nothing is ostensibly more important to the Bush administration -- have recently been "reorganized" to "better deal with 21st-century threats." This reorganization was done in secret (a typical administration thumbprint); evidently in violation of long-standing management and personnel practices (another telltale fingerprint); by a panel of political appointees (yet another, from the heck-of-a-job-Brownie crew); the result, predictably, has been chaos. "An exodus of experts with decades of experience in nuclear arms, chemical weapons and related matters" has occurred and their replacements are (yet another Bush fingerprint) "political operatives," guaranteed to cause more chaos.

This administration is always after power and control; and, in their pursuit,
sacrificing governance is never a problem, hardly even a consideration. Our unfettered commander-in-chief presidency desires only to be ever less fettered -- with its own hand-picked operatives ever more in positions of command in the Washington bureaucracy. It need not be capable of actually governing.

Fallen Legion I October14, 2005
Fallen Legion II November 27, 2005
Fallen Legion III February 12, 2006

more to come...


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